Tom Kuhn:

When You Can't Pound the Facts, Pound the Table

The Desperate Tactics of a Failing Incumbent

Tom Kuhn:

When You Can't Pound the Facts, Pound the Table

The Desperate Tactics of a Failing Incumbent

The Desperate Tactics of a Failing Incumbent

There's an old legal adage: "If the facts are on your side, pound the facts. If the law is on your side, pound the law. If neither is on your side, pound the table." Tom Kuhn has chosen to pound the table – hard and often. His recent barrage of attacks against Aisha Farooqi isn't just disappointing – it's a disgrace to the office he holds and the people he claims to serve. But it's also revealing. When a politician resorts to table-pounding, it's because they have nothing else to offer.

Why is Tom Kuhn
stooping so low?

While Tom Kuhn resorts to mudslinging, let's examine why he's so desperate to change the subject:

  • Desperate attacks and personal insults
  • Unbecoming of an elected official
  • Trying to distract from his record

Aisha Farooqi:
A Better Way Forward

Aisha Farooqi believes in a different kind of politics, one that puts people first. Here's how she's running her campaign:

  • Focuses on real issues and solutions
  • Integrity in campaigning
  • Addressing community needs

The Real Tom Kuhn

While Tom Kuhn pounds the table, let's look at what he's trying to distract you from:

  • Wants to criminalize abortion
  • Weak on lowering cost of living
  • Took funding away from police, firefighters, and first responders
  • Draining resources from public schools

Tom Kuhn can't defend this record, so he's desperately trying to change the subject. Don't let him.

Aisha Farooqi:
Why Aisha?

Aisha Farooqi brings a fresh perspective and real-world experience to the table. Here's what she stands for:

  • Protecting your right to choose
  • Real plans to lower your cost of living
  • Keeping our communities safe by investing in police, firefighters and first responders
  • Champion for high quality public school education

The Desperate Tactics of a Failing Incumbent

There's an old legal adage: "If the facts are on your side, pound the facts. If the law is on your side, pound the law. If neither is on your side, pound the table." Tom Kuhn has chosen to pound the table – hard and often. His recent barrage of attacks against Aisha Farooqi isn't just disappointing – it's a disgrace to the office he holds and the people he claims to serve. But it's also revealing. When a politician resorts to table-pounding, it's because they have nothing else to offer.

Why is Tom Kuhn
stooping so low?

While Tom Kuhn resorts to mudslinging, let's examine why he's so desperate to change the subject:

  • Desperate attacks and personal insults
  • Unbecoming of an elected official
  • Trying to distract from his record

Aisha Farooqi:
A Better Way Forward

Aisha Farooqi believes in a different kind of politics, one that puts people first. Here's how she's running her campaign:

  • Focuses on real issues and solutions
  • Integrity in campaigning
  • Addressing community needs

The Real Tom Kuhn

While Tom Kuhn pounds the table, let's look at what he's trying to distract you from:

  • Wants to criminalize abortion
  • Weak on lowering cost of living
  • Took funding away from police, firefighters, and first responders
  • Draining resources from public schools

Tom Kuhn can't defend this record, so he's desperately trying to change the subject. Don't let him.

Aisha Farooqi:
Why Aisha?

Aisha Farooqi brings a fresh perspective and real-world experience to the table. Here's what she stands for:

  • Protecting your right to choose
  • Real plans to lower your cost of living
  • Keeping our communities safe by investing in police, firefighters and first responders
  • Champion for high quality public school education

On the Issues

Aisha Farooqi understands the challenges facing our community because she's lived them. Having attended public schools, Aisha has dedicated her career as an attorney to fighting for the vulnerable. Now, she's ready to take that fight to the State House. Let's compare her vision with Tom Kuhn's record:

Tom Kuhn:

Attacking Personal Freedom

Tom Kuhn wants to roll back the clock on women's rights. His extreme stance threatens the health and autonomy of Michigan women:

  • Seeks to ban abortion, even in cases of rape and incest
  • Imposes extreme views on
  • Michigan families Voted against IVF

Aisha Farooqi:

Protecting Your Freedom

Aisha Farooqi believes that healthcare decisions should be made by individuals, not politicians. She'll fight to protect your rights:

  • Protecting your right to choose
  • Real plans to lower your cost of living
  • Keeping our communities safe by investing in police, firefighters and first responders
  • Champion for high quality public school education

Tom Kuhn:

Failing Michigan's Economy

Tom Kuhn talks a big game about the economy, but his actions don't match his words. Here's what his record really shows:

  • Talks about "fighting inflation"
  • No concrete plans to help families
  • Vague promises, no results

Aisha Farooqi:

Aisha Farooqi understands the economic pressures facing Michigan families. She has real plans to make life more affordable:

  • Plans to lower cost of living
  • Will fight for working families
  • Committed to lowering prescription drug prices

Tom Kuhn:

Undermining Public Education

Tom Kuhn's policies threaten the future of our public schools. His approach to education leaves our children behind:

  • BETSY DEVOS backed politician
  • Supports policies that drain resources from public schools
  • Threatens quality of education Out of touch with students' needs

Aisha Farooqi:

Investing in Our Future

As a product of public schools, Aisha Farooqi knows firsthand the importance of quality education. Here's her plan to invest in our children:

  • Product of public schools
  • Will increase funding for public schools
  • Supports teachers and early childhood programs
  • Supports access to mental health resources for boths

Tom Kuhn:

Endangering Our Communities

Tom Kuhn's policies threaten the future of our public schools. His approach to education leaves our children behind:

  • BETSY DEVOS backed politician
  • Supports policies that drain resources from public schools
  • Threatens quality of education Out of touch with students' needs

Aisha Farooqi:

Protecting Our Families

A prosecuting attorney, Aisha Farooqi believes in common-sense measures to keep our communities safe.

  • Endorsed by Macomb County Sheriff Anthony Wickersham.
  • Aisha will fight to invest in training and equipment for our local police and fire departments.
  • Expand access to mental health and addiction services while supporting programs that help at-risk youth choose better paths forward.

The Choice is Clear

Michigan deserves a representative who understands our challenges and has real solutions, not just empty rhetoric. Aisha Farooqi brings fresh ideas and a deep commitment to our community, while Tom Kuhn offers more of the same failed policies.

Tom Kuhn:

Yesterday's Politics, Today's Problems

Tom Kuhn represents the old way of doing politics - out of touch and beholden to special interests:

  • Career politician
  • Out of touch with everyday
  • Michiganders Extreme views and failed policies
  • Politics as usual

Aisha Farooqi:

A Fresh Voice for a Brighter Michigan

Aisha Farooqi offers a new vision for Michigan, one that puts people first and addresses the real challenges we face:

  • New generation of leadership
  • Understands community challenges firsthand Fresh ideas and real-world experience
  • Fighting for a fair, inclusive Michigan

Join Aisha in building a brighter future for Michigan.

Together, we can create a state that's fair, inclusive, and full of opportunity for all.

Learn More About Aisha's Vision